"If you see conflict as an opportunity, everything is possible."
At our core, we all possess the innate ability to navigate interpersonal conflicts and achieve favorable negotiation outcomes. When we embrace conflict as an opportunity, remarkable transformations become possible.
Here, you'll find insights into my work as a business mediator and negotiator. You’ll also discover a wealth of resources to help you master the art of mediation and negotiation.
These skills are not just tools; they're at the heart of building stronger relationships, advancing your career, and fostering success in business.
Change how you deal with conflict, and you will transform your life.

I am an internationally acclaimed business mediator, negotiator and author of the bestselling book ‘Toolkit Mediation’. Based in the international city of Rotterdam The Netherlands. My mission is to redefine conflict resolution by empowering lawyers and a new generation of mediators to skilfully guide others in managing and preventing conflicts. Rather than fixating solely on the content of the conflict and its legal aspects, my approach revolves around respecting the People, the Problem and the Process.
As a mediator I assist all parties in navigating their way to resolve the issues at hand by tapping into their own potential and uncovering all interests and needs. My focus spans conflict resolution and prevention, both intricately interwoven, with a deep understanding of the human dimension. In collaboration with my clients, conflicts are transformed into catalysts for business opportunities, facilitating the transition from uncertainty to clarity, finding converging interests and shared visions for sustainable business and personal growth. Next to my practice as a mediator and negotiator, I founded The Academy of Legal Mediation and Mundi Mediatores, with the vision to generate a new conflict resolution paradigm.
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With over 25 years of experience as an internationally acclaimed and certified business mediator, I've devoted my career to business conflict
resolution. Each day, I am reaffirmed in my decision to embrace this profession, as it provides sustainable solutions. My practice is characterized by personalized outcomes that seamlessly merge the human and business aspects of the situation, while lending a listening ear when it's needed most.
My journey into mediation was catalyzed by a pivotal moment during my early legal career. A client's candid remark, "A legal approach won't suffice, I need a commercial solution" ignited a career change. This encounter was a driver in my transition from a tenacious jurist to a seasoned marketing executive at corporations like Schering, Nestle, Werner & Mertz, and Guhl. These experiences enabled me to discern the innermost drivers of clients and the essence of effective assistance—going beyond a legal approach. In my role overseeing international marketing departments, I found myself mediating—albeit unknowingly—between various stakeholders. A serendipitous discovery led me to the world of professional mediation. My path into mediation was anchored through rigorous training, including programs I attended at Harvard Law School.
Since then I have supported lawyers, entrepreneurs, managers and their employees in all kinds of conflict and negotiation situations. As a deal facilitator and advisor when negotiating a contract, as a mediator when entering into, reigniting or carefully terminating a collaboration or employment.
I am there for you if you are looking for a committed and solution-oriented mediator or negotiator, and if you want to learn mediation skills yourself.

Mediator / Negotiator
My expertise spans labor conflicts, contractual disputes, business intricacies including crossborder issues and matters concerning collaborations. I am internationally certified as an IMI Certified Mediator, MfN-register Mediator, and IMI Certified Mediation Advisor.
Since 2014 I am listed as a leading professional in 'Who's Who Legal in Mediation', I am on the Global Mediation Panel for five UN organizations and mediator for cases of the Enterprise Chamber of the Amsterdam Court of Appeal.

Besides being the lead at The Academy of Legal Mediation, I also offer guidance and training to lawyers in mediation advocacy and negotiation skills. Throughout five continents I taught the advanced use of mediation, negotiation and influencing techniques, in particular in an intercultural context.
Furthermore, I train executives for Accordance, a Boston-based organization, part of the Harvard Negotiation Project and Conflict Management Inc.

I'm frequently invited to speak at international conferences and serve as a guest lecturer at universities across the Netherlands and beyond. Notably, I've delivered presentations on mediation initiatives for projects of the European Commission (EC), on mediation advocacy at the University of Groningen (RuG), on 'Intercultural Mediation' at the European Business School (EBS) and on negotiation techniques at Vlerick Business School. My involvement extends to international interdisciplinary research initiatives.

I am a regular contributor to the field of mediation, negotiation, and deal facilitation.
My authorship includes several definitive books and articles in professional journals, and the bestselling guidebook "Toolkit Mediation.”
Below, you can access a variety of publications, research studies, checklists and book chapters available for download.

Master Legal Mediation: Self-Actualization for Professionals
Thé professional education to become a business mediator investing in your professional development and acquiring mediation skills is a strategic move to future-proof your career while at the same time finding fulfillment in your job. Our highly acclaimed mediation skills course, internationally accredited by leading institutions, provides you with the knowledge, techniques, and practical expertise to succeed in the ever-changing legal landscape.
The Academy of Legal Mediation is powered by Toolkit Company and Manon Schonewille, the author of the acclaimed "Toolkit Generating Outcomes' is the lead trainer.
As seen on

“Manon is interviewed on how to break through the mediation paradox: ‘companies prefer mediation however in practice mostly end up in litigation or arbitration’ and some of the barriers hindering the adoption of mediation.
You can also learn about newcomers to this field like Mundi Mediatores, a new ADR catalyst concept. Mundi Mediatores is not an ADR provider and does not compete with existing service providers. Rather, it is designed to work in a complementary way with ADR services providers, providing new services to lower some of the hurdles that still exist.”

Interview with Isabella Wijnberg (Houthoff) and Manon Schonewille (Mundi Mediatores | The Academy of Legal Mediationl) in Tijdschrift Conflicthantering (June 2022 number 2) about mediation in class actions and the Dutch WAMCA procedures.
The article (in Dutch) can be downloaded in the resources section.

In 2020 Mediate.com serialized 23 peerreviewed propositions, each expressed in 1,111 words or less. Published in the form of articles by 40 authors in 16 countries. Manon’s interviews with all authors are featured on mediate.com.
The over-arching question was: what are the Seven Keys to Unlock Mediation’s Golden Age? Meant to inspire the field’s stakeholders, to provide a collaborative, mediative leadership where they simultaneously lead and serve. A leadership characterized by a commitment to empower all stakeholders to become joint owners, not just renters, of mediation’s future.
International Mediator Search
Break through the mediation paradox.
There is a persistent ‘mediation paradox’ in the corporate world. Companies express a preference for mediation and a desire to reach faster, cheaper and better outcomes. However, in practice, most companies still resort to traditional litigation or arbitration processes that get lengthy and costly due to various obstacles.
Mundi Mediatores serves as a catalyst, actively dismantling the barriers to mediation. We achieve this by encouraging early engagement and open dialogue regarding procedural choices. We provide invaluable support in facilitating communication with the opposing party and identifying the most suitable mediator for your needs.