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Practical guides, thoroughly researched, tools, useful models, and checklists


Manon Schonewille is a frequent speaker at home and abroad and publishes regularly. Several standard books, including Toolkit Mediation, and articles in professional journals on mediation, negotiation, and deal mediation are attributed to her.


Additionally, she has initiated or participated in numerous (academic) research projects, including research into the practice and legal regulation of mediation in 60 states worldwide and the PBM/Montaigne Institute (UU) research into the opportunities and obstacles of business mediation.


On this page you can find an overview of publications and also download book chapters and articles.

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Toolkit Mediation. Resultaat bereiken als mediator, partijbegeleider, manager en onderhandelaar


Publisher: Boom

Language: Nederlands

Publication date: 2024


Toolkit Mediation is an essential reference work for practice. The book provides an overview of the wide range of tools available to you as a mediator or negotiator.


This manual is a practical guide for anyone in a conflict or negotiation situation.


Several checklists and models can be consulted in the resources section.

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Toolkit Mediation. Generating Outcomes as Mediator and Negotiator


Publisher: Eleven

Language: English

Publication date: 2024


Toolkit Generating Outcomes is a manual for how mediation can be used by various professionals for their own purposes. This practical handbook contains an overview of the treasure trove of tools a mediator has at his disposal and includes comprehensive and easy-to-use practical checklists and overviews.


Several checklists and models can be consulted in the resources section.


Manon Schonewille | Mediator & Negotiator

The Variegated Landscape Of Mediation


Publisher: Eleven Publishing

Language: English

Publication date: 2014


A comprehensive overview of global mediation regulatory frameworks and a practical overview of the development of mediation and mediation practices in 60 jurisdictions. This book allows for a direct comparison, based on standardised benchmarks for each country. Helpful for those mediating across borders, academics and those involved in legislative efforts.


The introductory and concluding chapters as well as a recently updated article on cross-border mediation can be consulted in the resources section.

Manon Schonewille | Mediator & Negotiator

Venturing Beyond The Classroom


Publisher: Hamline University

Language: English

Publication date: 2010


In October 2009, more than 50 of the world's leading negotiation scholars gathered in Istanbul, Turkey for a series of international conferences designed to critically examine what is taught in contemporary negotiation courses and how. With special emphasis on how to succeed with diverse, global audiences.


Chapter 2 Lessons from the field. First impressions from second generation negotiation teaching, Ken Fox, Manon Schonewille & Esra Çuhadar-Gürkaynak.






Manon Schonewille | Mediator & Negotiator

ADR In Business - vol. 2


Publisher: Wolters Kluwer

Language: English

Publication date: 2006 / updated 2011


The first edition of this book contributed to a global awareness that ADR is important in its own right, and not simply as a substitute for litigation or arbitration.


Chapter 5 Moving beyond ‘Just’ a Deal, a Bad Deal or No Deal, Manon Schonewille & Ken Fox.










Manon Schonewille | Mediator & Negotiator

Seven Keys To Unlock Mediation's Golden Age


Language: English

Publication date: 2020


In 2020 serialised 23 peer-reviewed propositions, each expressed in 1,111 words or less. 40 articles by authors in 16 countries. The authors were interviewed by Manon Schonewille on the overarching question: what are the Seven Keys to Unlock Mediation’s Golden Age? 

The Seven Keys aims to mobilize dialogue on new approaches and attitudes among the field's stakeholders.


This consolidated e-book is made freely available by all authors and the curator of the series, Michael Leathes.

Manon Schonewille | Mediator & Negotiator

Mobilizing Mediatively - 

The seven keys to unlock mediation's golden age - Epilogue


Language: English

Publication date: 2020


Epilogue to the Seven Keys to Unlock Mediations Golden Age in which shortfalls in mediation’s development that were identified that, if addressed by the field, can create new opportunities: 

  • # 1 Leadership

  • # 2 Data

  • # 3 Education

  • # 4 Profession

  • # 5 Technology

  • # 6 Government and

  • # 7 Usage

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